WANTED: Vocalists for our band projects

We are looking for professional vocalists for our band projects. music4friends is a booking agency for musicians and DJs, located in Wuppertal but operating across Europe. Read more on who we are looking for and how we work…

“Entertainment is the art of enthusing people!”

That’s the motto we and our acts live by when taking the stage at events in Germany and across Europe. We are currently looking for talented vocalists, who not only have a great voice, but a shining on stage and are open-minded team-players.

Vocalists wanted!!

If you are interested in working in this field of the industry we pursue with passion, a high level of engagement and absolute professionalsm, our teams are looking forward to getting to know you!

Our band projects are fixed groups, who regularly rehearse and perfect their performances and share the goal of granting the audience a fantastic show! If you want to learn more about the way we work, we suggest reading this interview in BackstagePro magazin (only available in German) and having a look at our website: www.music4friends.de

Your application

Please apply by sending a short email with “Vocalist Wanted” in the subject line, at least 3 pictures and 1-2 video links of your performance to jobs@music4friends.de.




"The combination of reliability and continuity in all important aspects of this job and the venture of trying new and challenging approaches, is what has been fascinating me for more than 11 years. I know for sure that, for me, there is no better way to work."

Heiner Gulich, sax player and project manager
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