Dinner with the GLORY NIGHTS

It doesn’t always have to be loud tunes and the wildest dancemoves. Other than their brand new party repertoire, the GLORY NIGHTS also master the more quiet, subtle sounds wonderfully.

Playing recently at a prestigious dinner event for Deutsche Post DHL, the band proved to have their way with subtle rhythms and treated the invitees to a lovely musical programme without overshadowing the gastronomic highlight of the night. Exceptional singer Lisa Kézér stunned not just the male audience with her versatile, warm vocals and positively radiated alongside her band colleagues in the soft stagelight.

The people in charge at DHL understood brilliantly to implement the GLORY NIGHTS in the right scenes that evening to achieve an ideal balance between the wished-for subtle ambience and premium dinner music. And if need be, the GLORY NIGHTS are well able to swap their ball gowns for shiny party outfits and get the audience moving on the dancefloor.

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